Chuquimamani-Condori & Joshua Chuquimia Crampton - Amaru's Tongue: Daughter

Chuquimamani-Condori & Joshua Chuquimia Crampton - Amaru's Tongue: Daughter
Otto-Wagner-Areal, Pavillion 12, 1140 Vienna

Amaru's Tongue: Daughter, written by Chuquimamani-Condori, shot mostly on 8mm film, with hand-drawn animation sequences and a score composed and performed by Joshua Chuquimia Crampton, enacts a ceremony for the artists' late grandmother, Flora Tancara Quiñonez Chuquimia and details the in stories of the artists' family that compose part of the Aymara community, a group of indigenous nations whose territories overlap with Bolivia, Chile and Peru, and whose people live today across the globe, maintaining relations through land ties and ceremony.

The voice of the artists' grandmother Flora, as well as Flora's younger sister, the artists' great-aunt Mercedes Tancara Quiñonez Montevilla, and the artists' mother, Fanny Tancara Chuquimia Crampton, narrate the film, relayed by a silicone figure in Flora's likeness, whose features also resemble the artists' great-grandmother Juana Tancara Montevilla, great-great-grandmother Rosa Tancara Quiñonez, ans emblems of the pachamama, the spacetime grandmother.


Screening with German subtitles.


About Chuquimamani-Condori and Joshua Chuquimia Crampton:

Chuquimamani-Condori is an aymaran multidisciplinary artist and musician. Under the moniker Elysia Crampton Chuquimia, Chuquimamani-Condori hast produced multiple critically acclaimed records. They also continue to do work with Aim Socal, the Southern California Chapter Of The American Indian Movement (founded in 1968).


Joshua Chuquimia Crampton is an aymaran musician and artist. His recent musical releases include ‘4’ (2021) and ‘The Heart's Wash’ (2020), a full-length project of solo-guitar compositions. He also composed the score for ‘Amaru's Tongue: Daughter’ (2021).


The two siblings reside in Northern California with family and land ties in Allyu Pahaza, Calacoto De Pacajes and Provincia Nor Yungas Regions of La Paz, Bolivia.


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